Monday, June 20, 2005

Stonesouls' Catalogue Page: Update

In attempting to put the entire Stonesouls catalogue on-line, space is my largest obstacle - mp3 files take up a ton of bandwidth. After looking at every format, every "trick", every free and pay site that hosts, I've come to this conclusion: Keep it Simple!
The Stonesouls music was recorded on 8 track tape (not like your dad's 8-track player) and while it has some stereo separation, there is not much. Bass guitar, vocals, most drums, rhythm guitars are basically centered. For this reason, I am converting the entire catalog to MONO, which allows me to keep near CD quality in 1/2 the space, no tricks, no audio enhancers. (and no crappy sounding low-band mp3s!)
Surprisingly, the two songs I have coded so far (She Doesn't Want To and I'm Lost Again)sound BETTER in MONO than they did in stereo. The phasing problems we had on the original masters disappeared and the vocals and lead guitar shine through! The Stereo versions will live on at i-tunes and other "pay" sites and on the Demagogue CD, Burning Down: Best Of The Stonesouls. The soon to be released FREE site will have the MONO recordings available at no charge (and at about 65 kbs, which equals 1.4 MB to 1.8 MB per song download.
The plan is to feature all three studio albums, the single, the 'Mats Tribute and about 5 previously unreleased approximately 35 songs. This can be downloaded and burned to two CDs, making a nice Rhino-type collection
PS - Dear Rhino, this set will be ready to release at any time, call me!


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