Tuesday, June 07, 2005


My Fender Lace pickus from E-bay are a mixed bag. One was fine, the other was a damaged product. The seller was very cool in agreeing to send me a new one, but that was almost 2 weeks ago, so I will not hold my breath. I think I'm about 85% positive on E-bay purchases.Not bad, not great either. I guess you get what you pay for. Selling is another matter. I've had great success with this(musical gear, cds etc. Only had one person totaly take my money and it was for under $20. Overall I'd guess it is still a good tool for me to upgrade my stuff without spending any real $$.

I put in one LACE and one regular pickup (both should be for the bridge position, but I reverse wired it) and it sounds great, but the picup does not fit perfectly...so I hope to get a package in the mail BEFORE this monday (Lux Kings at Blind Willies)


New Lace Pickup showed up in the mail today (damn fine e-bayer!) and it had some of the same problems whe isolated, but when the pickups are run in series (as I do 99.999% of the time) they sound fantastic. I know that only bass players give a damn about the bass sound, but you always want your instrument to sound like a million bucks - it makes you play better, and it ultimately improves the overall sound. I'm a very happy camper today.


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